Thursday, April 1, 2010

Split Jerk!

This workout was fueled by GRASS FED BEEFOur "chill" order came in today and it was soooooo amazing.  I haven't had meat that wasn't at one point frozen in a very long time.  Sullins' two thumbs up, especially for all your Paleo-ers out there.  Way delicious and packed with Omega-3s!

Split Jerk


I love this lift.  I have been working on it in skill sessions, watching Mike Burgener videos from the Journal, and just generally getting psyched to try this left again.

The lift from the video is my PR!

LOADS (lbs): 115, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, X (failed attempt at 185)

My last personal record, about 4 months ago, was only 135lbs.  I feel like things are really starting to come together.  I have a long way to go in many ways - HSPUs and muscle ups need work, as do double unders.  My o-lifts still require a great deal of professional help to clear out issues with form, but I feel like I am at least being safe and making improvements.

At the same time, I look at repeat WODs "across broad time" and realize amazing improvement in speed, endurance, stamina, and strength.  Perhaps more importantly, I find that the "sport" elements of CrossFit such as agility and coordination are dramatically improving.  The other day I was walking up my garage stairs with a box from Costco (yes, we shop at Costco, but we don't purchase 30 lbs of rice at a time... we buy eggs in great quantity, though!).  Anyway, I was wearing my crocs, which really have seen better days in terms of tread, and I slipped down the stairs.  Not only was I able to catch myself on one leg at the bottom of the stairs, but I maintained my balance in a one-legged squat position and didn't drop any of the groceries.

I wouldn't want to make a regular practice of this clumsiness, but even just a year ago, something like that could have ended rather badly, at least a rolled ankle.  Again, thank you CrossFit!

On a side note, I was going to hit a second WOD today, a metcon with KBSs and double unders, but after a three-hour-long funeral honors job this afternoon, I was just too tired.  Ah, the Navy.


  1. Very nice, dude! You sure that's all you can do? It looked easy! :)

  2. Next time. It is weird, 175 felt strong, but at 185 I just couldn't do it.
