Sunday, April 4, 2010

Don't fear the double under...

I have been working on so many movements and exercises during my skill sessions - muscle ups, overhead squats, split jerks, butterfly pullups, handstand pushups, L sits, and yes... double unders.  I have an excel spreadsheet filled without every workout I have done since October 2009.  It also contains all the WODs I plan to do in the future, updated each day from the main site and Kitsap CrossFit

This growing list of WODs is filled with double unders and GHD situps, because I don't have a GHD, I hate my globo gym, and honestly, as much as I am ashamed to admit it, I have been exceedingly apprehensive about double unders.  Well, today I conquered my fear.

3 rounds for time:

50 double unders
50 back extensions 

At best, I can only do four or five double unders before the rope gets caught under my toes or heels, the rope gets out of sync with my jumping, or I just lose the rhythm altogether.  It is embarrassing, but I have realized that before I could knock out 21 kipping pullups on the first round of Fran, there was a time not that long ago when I couldn't kip.  On my first visit to Kitsap CrossFit, I couldn't do the requisite 10 pullups for the baseline assessment.  I ask myself, "Sullins, how did you get better at pullups?  How did you learn to kip?"  The answer is not that I waited to do WODs that incorporated those skills until I was comfortable.  I did Fran.  It sucked really bad and took forever.  I did Angie.  It sucked and took forever.  In facing those exercises, doing my best, and working hard at it, I am stronger, faster, more coordinated, agile, my balance is far and away better than it was, etc.

So, that is my strategy on double unders.  You will notice on the video the quality of my double unders is not good, but I am going to keep doing WODs with double unders until I own them!

You will also notice I am, for the first time on my blog, wearing long sleeves.  I am also not wearing my Vibrams.  Yeah - both of those elements are circumstantial.  Please, see the medieval torture device below. 

Invented in 1066 a.d. by William the Conqueror, it was one of the most effective torture devices until outlawed by the Papacy in 1429.  Some methods are just too much.

Also, I am again faced with not having a very effective way of doing back extensions, so I improvise.  CrossFit is all about no excuses, which is one of the reasons I think it is so popular.  I try my best to stick to this philosophy.

At last, here is the humiliating video of excerpts from this WOD.

Alright, great WOD, but would someone please get Will Ferrell out of my garage!

I have often heard that there is something wrong if you don't fear your workout.  I believe this completely and without reservation.  I also believe that avoiding an exercise out of fear is not in keeping with the highest traditions of CrossFit, and it only can deter progress.  Fear your WOD, respect it, and then conquer it!

Time: 28:24

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