Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A 2009 CF Games WOD

Today's WOD comes from the 2009 CrossFit Games in Aromas, CA, where Mikko Salo became the Fittest Man Alive and cemented himself as a legend in the sport of fitness: CrossFit.

AMRAP in 8 minutes of the triplet:

8 72lb Kettlebell Swings (KBS)
12 GHD Situps

Once again, it sounds oh, so easy.  Of course, my handstand pushups still need some work, but I am getting them deeper everyday! 

 The home-made parallettes are still unbroken.  I stand on each one before I use them just to make sure.  Call me a skeptic, but I choose life.

 Determination.  I was really trying to get low - head breaking the horizontal plane created by my hands.

 KBS during round 1
Final: 5 rounds + 4 HSPU
I scaled the kettlebell swings to 53lbs, mostly due to my lack of possession of a 72lb (2 pood) kettlebell.  The handstand pushups were by far the worst part for me.  I probably could have gone heavier on the KBSs.  I guess it is almost time to invest in a 2 pood KB!

 Chalk marks of pain!

Ok, ok, ok... everyone who has been to Sullins' Gym is asking the same thing right now: GHD situps?  How did he do that in his garage?  hmmmmm, well I had to improvise or go back to the gym.  See below:

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - I also hit a Strength and Conditioning WOD before command PT: Weighted Pullups.  Seven sets of 1 rep maxes.

LOADS: 25-35-40-45-50-55-60 (pounds)

It looked pretty funny with all those weight plates strapped to my body, but it was awesome!  60lbs is a PR for me!  Four months ago my max weighted pullup was only 40lbs.  THANK YOU, CROSSFIT!

Chapter 2!

Today is a two-fer.  You will recall "The Chief" from a couple of days ago.  Well, as much as it sucked for me, I had to get Derek to have our command PT group try it.  Today, our chief did "The Chief," and loved it.

The Chief.

Cliff and Chief gettin' some.

Chris is a natural born CrossFitter.  You should see his squats.

James and Chief fighting for every second.

There were great efforts all around.  The Chief's results?  Well, let's see if he posts his rounds in the comments :)  I will say he did well, as did everyone.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Chief

No, I wasn't promoted, two pay grades... yet.  :)  No, that is the name of today's WOD.  Created in September 2008, this workout pays tribute to Chief Petty Officers of the sea services, but hey let's be honest... mostly the Navy.

The Chief

5 cycles:

As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 3 minutes of:
3 135lb power cleans
6 pushups
9 squats

Rest 1 minute between sets

I have to admit, this was pretty wicked.  What got me more than anything else were the squats.  Pushups were totally easy (thank you, CrossFit... those used to really suck for me), and the power cleans became pretty challenging near the end.  I wouldn't want to do it without being able to drop the weight, that is for sure.

1. 5 rounds
2. 5 rounds
3. 5 rounds
4. 4 rounds
5. 4 rounds

I wasn't sure if I should count partial rounds, so I didn't, but I was on my sixth round of squats on the first cycle!  Not too shabby.  Of course, by the end, I finished my fourth round with only 10 seconds left.

If you have been following my blog, you know we have a Chief in our command PT group.  He is a warrior, and goes for the full CrossFit intensity every time.  If only they were all like that!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wall balls, L pullups, and TONS of schoolwork

For time:

50 wall ball shots,
25 L-pullups

40 wall ball shots,
20 L-pullups
30 wall ball shots,
15 L-pullups20 wall ball shots,
10 L-pullups
10 wall ball shots,
5 L-pullups
Medicine ball = 20lbs, thrown to 10 ft target

Disclaimer: It is raining like mad today, so no going outside with my brand new medicine ball, especially not for its inaugural WOD, not that I have no intention of getting it dirty.  After all, we are talking CrossFit here - no excuses!  That said, I stayed indoors, but my garage ceiling is only 9' tall, so this is not as rx'd.

What a workout!  I knew the L pullups would be tough, but I guess I discounted the wall ball shots, since I have been using the NBK medicine balls, max weight 12lbs.  Really tough. 

This is my last round of wall balls and pullups: (don't bother adjusting your sound, this one is silent)

So, as you can see, my L pullups need some work.  My knees bend way too much, but not too bad for me!

Time: 17:32

On a totally different subject, here is a video of my dog, taken by my wife, Emily, who FINALLY was groomed yesterday, and he looks like a million bucks!

Baker, the English Springer Spaniel!

Aside from killing myself with a great WOD, playing with and walking our dog (Emily has been doing most of that today), and trying to decompress and get ready for another... ummm... lovely week at work, I am up to my eye balls in school work.  I am on week 4 of my e-commerce class at BU, and it is really getting into the weeds with web site performance metrics.  Ugh!  I hate fine details.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Snatches... and a very large bruise

Before anyone gets too concerned, I will say upfront that the large bruise was not the result of dropping the weight on my head.

Oh, the snatch.  It alludes me.  Despite working on this lift for several weeks, it still isn't where I want it, especially the landing aspect.  Oh well, practice makes perfect!


 Ultimately, this went pretty well.  I was able to put up 5 lbs more than my previous personal record.

Loads (lbs): 95 - 105 - 110 - 110 - 115 - 115 - X (failed attempt at 120)

The landing needs work, I am still pulling too early, I am coming up on my toes, and the bar is not getting over my heels.  UGH! 

In other news, some great things have happened recently.  1). Baker finally was groomed today!  We have had this guy for almost 3 weeks and he has smelled a bit like a rotten tomato during that time, but today he is beautiful, clean, happy, and smells... well... like a dog, but a clean one!  Pictures to follow...

2). Wright Exercise finally got their amazing medicine balls off of back order, and Jason Hughes sent my 20lb ball UPS!

3). The bruise: So, there is this great shortcut I use that cuts several minutes off my commute to and from work, but it involves some rocks that are sometimes pretty loose depending on how wet it is.  Also, there might be some steepness.  It looks a little like a cliff.  ANYWAY... I was riding up this rocky slope, my rear tire lost traction, and the lack of momentum made me lose my balance.  I was fighting the loss of balance, reached the top near the road, where I finally lost the battle to gravity and fell over (I was clipped in) and landed on the side of my leg/hip on the railing. 

This is the result:

I think it looks a bit like Saturn.  What do you think?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Grace and deadlifts

First off, let me apologize for the lack of media in this post.  The workout this morning was so incredibly disappointing to me that I didn't break out the camera.  The workout this afternoon was so awesome that I didn't break out the camera (I didn't want to miss any of it!), so I am sorry.

So, why did the workout this morning suck, you ask?  Well, remember that post all those weeks ago where I said how lucky we were to have such a cooperative gym staff at Navy Base Kitsap?  Yeah, I completely take it back.  We planned on Fight Gone Bad, and were totally stoked.  Joel, Derek, and I showed up very early to set everything up, when the NBK gym manager very rudely instructed us not to remove barbells from the weight room.  I will resist the incredible urge to rant about this.  In short: NBK gym - add one more person to your growing list of unsatisfied customers.

Instead, Derek had the group do wall ball shots (with very light medicine balls... again, the gym is not designed for elite fitness) and pushups.  The group got a good workout, and I have to keep telling myself that, but I didn't take pictures, and was in a pretty foul mood the rest of the morning.

Thankfully, our band hall is a disgusting cave of infestation, so we all got to go home early.  I took advantage of the "Aloha Friday" by inviting a bunch of people over to hit a WOD at Sullins' Gym (my garage).  Derek, Joel, and Cliff all came over this afternoon and we followed the Kitsap Crossfit prescribed workout from a couple of days ago.  Such an awesome afternoon, people.  We have to do this more often.  It is such a better environment than the gym!

This WOD comes directly from Kitsap Crossfit.


for time:
135lb cleans - 30 reps

Followed by deadlifts.



Time: 5:25, as rx'd.
Loads: 225lb for the sets of 5 reps; 235 for the sets of 3 and 1.

I have never done Grace, so this is a benchmark.  In a couple of months I will program it again and see how well I can do!

Everyone else did great as well, and I think a good time was had by all.  This is what I love about CrossFit: It is all about no nonsense fitness, supported by a community of amazing athletes, including the guys that came over this afternoon to workout on their own time in my garage.  

I dare you to find an equivalent experience on a treadmill.  Actually, I know you won't, so why don't you save yourself the hassle and just start CrossFitting?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Gathering

Normally we have a nice little command PT group about three times a week, convening early in the morning to take on some CrossFit WODs and learn and enhance our skills. It is easily the best command PT program I have been a part of in the Navy. Today, however, was truly a site to behold. Several of the other small group PT leaders at Navy Band Northwest were either absent or simply decided to join us for a fantastic gymnastics relay, almost completely stolen from Kitsap CrossFit's Bring a Friend Day.

We had 16 people, including Antoinette Murray, the awesome CrossFitting spouse of Cliff, divided into 4 teams of 4. The course was laid. The gauntlet was thrown.

NBNW Gymnastics Relay

For time:
Run 300m
"Riser Jumps" - 100
Run 300m
Burpees - 200
Run 300m
Situps - 300
Run 300m
Squats - 400

Numbers are for the group as a whole. The entire team must complete the run before any reps can start. Only 2 members of each team can perform reps at a time and the reps do not have to be distributed evenly. The best time wins!

We aren't exactly sure on the distance of the run. It was just a course we laid out around the band building on Navy Base Kitsap, but based on the times of several participants, 300 meters is pretty close.

The athletes at Navy Band Northwest met this challenge head on, and we were proud to facilitate the event (just see Derek's proud face below).

"This is my proud face"

Most groups started with the "riser jumps." These things were definitely "tested" today, with several people jumping on them at a time, exerting what must have been several hundred pounds of force with each jump. They are normally used on the bandstand for music performances. I have to say, I am pretty satisfied with the purchase of these risers from Wenger Music Corp., and this is a better use for their product!

This is Joe, our resident expert at vertical leaps. Most people drive to work. Joe just jumps twice.

We had the tunes blasting (I have identified at least one positive thing about being in the band - having access to awesome sound gear and guys who actually know how to hook it all up correctly at the drop of a hat), and, even though I didn't get too many videos (I was too busy taking it all in) they are video evidence that NBNW had an amazing WOD.

These risers are good for more than just standing around!

The band room hasn't seen such a great use in probably a very long time.

Such an awesome workout for the band. It was pretty obvious a lot of people were not used to the kind of intensity CrossFit brings to the table, but everyone ate it up. Joel later put it very well, "Maximum effort is contagious." Very well said.

My only complaint for the morning, besides being unable to participate myself (someone has to make sure things are going smoothly!) was that it was interrupted and only 1 team was able to finish, with an excellent time of 27:43. Everyone else would have been done within two minutes, as all teams were done with the runs and were on their last sets. We were suddenly informed of the presence of a surprise visitor to our facility later that morning that required everything be cleaned and ready to go AND everyone had to be in a specific costume many did not have on them. Ah, the Navy... Nevertheless, good job to all, congratulations to Chris (team captain), Greg, Billy, and Eli for pulling off a majestic win.


So, I know what you are thinking, "What about you, Josh?" Well, inspired by my co-workers, I went home and hit a CF WOD I had been considering for a few days after viewing a recent CF Journal video of Jason Khalipa and Chris Spealer. Here is my WOD! Yes, today you get a two-fer!

For time:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 reps of 115lb cleans
Between each set, perform 1 "Cindy" sequence.

For those unfamiliar, "Cindy" is a WOD that asks for AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats.

Round 6!

My goal on this was 15:00, which I knew was optimistic, but I definitely didn't hit that mark. The Rx'd weight was 155lbs, and I already scaled it down to 115lbs.

Time: 19:47

I am happy with it. It just gives me room to grow, and shows me that I really need to work on my overhead o-lifts, because that got NASTY by the 8th round! For all my co-workers wondering if my workout was as bad as theirs, I offer the following evidence:

Monday, March 22, 2010

The WOD that needs no introduction


For time:

21-15-9 reps of:
95lb thrusters

My previous best Fran time was 7:01.  I knew I wanted to beat that, so I set my goal at 1 minute per set.  Had I stuck to that, I would come in at 6:00.  I will let the video do the talking.

Time: 6:56 (PR... barely!)

I am proud of the time, but you can clearly see from the video that, even with some editing I lost a huge amount of time to resting between thrusters.  No excuses.  Sisu!  Great WOD, great time for me!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Rings... how I loathe thee.

This day started out nice - a slow morning spent with my wife and new dog, Baker.  I sipped espresso, did a little school work, and hung out.  The middle of the day was... unpleasant for me, so ending it with a great WOD really turned the day around.  Oh, yeah, Emily made the best spaghetti squash with meatballs!  Nothing like coming home, working out in your own gym, and eating an awesome home-cooked meal with grass fed meat!

Ok, so today I decided to do Elizabeth.


For time:
21-15-9 reps of:

135lb cleans
ring dips

I did this workout back in November, scaled it down to 105lb cleans and used a static dip station.  My time was 17:01, a time I was pretty proud of.  So, this time I wanted to try the Rx'd WOD, especially since I have my own rubber plates to throw around and awesome rings setup in the garage.

Big thanks to freak trombonist Bob McChesney for the ragin' sound clip, used completely without his knowledge or permission.

Like the video states, I actually got a personal record on this one, despite the incredible difficulty on the rings.  I was very nervous about the weight of the cleans at first, but decided that even if it took me longer than my previous best time, I wanted to use the heavier weight and focus on form over speed.  The cleans were hard, but the hardest part of this WOD is the ring dips... hands down!  I am so glad that I used the heavier weight on those cleans, because the pride I feel over that accomplishment balances out my embarrassment over my performance on the rings.  Nevertheless, I gave it everything, left it all in the garage, and I am proud of tonight's workout.

Time: 12:29 (PR!)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How to embarrass yourself on the internet

Simple.  Video yourself trying to do handstand pushups!

Today's WOD:

With a continuously running clock, perform 1 handstand pushup (HSPU) and 1 pullup the first minute, 2 of each the second minute, 3 each the third minute, and so on, until the clock catches you in the middle of an incomplete set of reps.

At that point, continue with whichever of the two exercises you are still able to successfully complete in under a minute. 

Record the number of successfully completed minutes of each exercise.  This is your score.

The WOD sounds a little weird, but it is a simple workout, just do HSPU and pullups until the minute runs out and you are still in the middle of one of the exercises.  Then keep going on the other exercise until the clock catches you on that one, too.  Brutal!

So, here is a video of my awful HSPUs.  I thought I had them hummin' along, but videotaping the exercise makes me realize I am absolutely not going down far enough, which is a real drag on so many levels.  Video evidence:

I got everything I need, but I don't got a good HSPU...

1 minute rounds of:

HSPU:      6
Pullups:   13
Score:     19

Not so bad, but the HSPUs are finding their way into my skill sessions each day.  Additionally, I am leaving out the parallettes and every day before I leave the house I am going to do some.  We'll see where that gets me!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Ok, CrossFit, I know you are trying to make me stronger, but my legs are going to fall off!  I did max weight deadlifts today, so let's recap the last three days: 1. 95lb back squats - 135 reps; 2. The Smokehouse; 3. deadlifts.

No more legs for a couple of days, ok?  Sheesh.  Alright, movin' on...

Today's WOD:


So simple.  So perfect.  So hard!

I PR'ed this WOD, so I am really happy this evening.  My previous deadlift personal record was 255lbs, set not even a month ago, but I must have had my Wheaties (do they make a paleo version of Wheaties?) this morning.

The battlefield is set.
Starting the 3rd PR load!
This is actually a 265lb load, ten pounds heavier than my previous personal record!

Today I PR'ed at 270lbs!
I love progress.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"The Smokehouse" Relay

Derek and I came up with this WOD after completing the Kitsap CrossFit "Bring a Friend Day" gymnastics relay WOD. We really liked the team aspect of a relay and wanted to find a fun and effective way to incorporate something similar with our command PT group. We also have been trying to focus on WODs that use olympic lifts, so that everyone can gain familiarity, not to mention get a lot stronger!

Thus, this barbell relay was created:

"The Smokehouse"

For time:

10 burpees
100 thrusters**
10 burpees
100 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 burpees
100 push press/jerk
10 burpees
100 front squats

WOD performed in teams. All team members must complete the 10 burpees prior to beginning barbell repetitions. Only 1 team member is allowed to perform reps at any given time. Repetitions do not have to be evenly distributed.

**A note on weight: We are using a globo gym for command PT, so in the interest of making things more simple, we restricted each group to one barbell and weight. To facilitate this, we divided people into groups of similar strength conditioning levels. In a perfect CF world, I would give everyone their own barbell and let them tailor the weight to their personal fitness needs.

Recommended weight: men - 75lbs; women - 45lbs

Enough talk... here are the goods!

Derek knocking out those thrusters!

I almost used 95lbs instead of 75lbs... what was I thinking?!  So glad I stuck to 75!

Dear front squats,
I hate you. 
So, Derek and I teamed up on the 75lb barbell and knocked out this beast of a WOD before everyone else arrived at 7:30am.  We finished up just in time for everybody to walk in and see us in our final throws, after which we immediately named it "The Smokehouse," because by the time you are done, you feel like you have been sitting in a sweat lodge for several hours.

Tandem burpees.  Gotta love it!  Those guys standing around in the background aren't with us :)
It feels good to be done, doesn't it Derek?!

Joel pushing out those push jerks like a pro.

Time: Derek and I completed this WOD in 24:00!  Any challengers?

You can't ask for a better way to start off a day of work!  They do this in the civilian sector, too, right?

If you give this WOD a try, please let me know what you think!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Navy Eval Signing - Torture Day!

Anyone who has ever been in the Navy knows either the term "eval" or "fitrep" and today I signed mine.  I actually don't really mind the eval process and the corresponding counseling that goes along with it, but most people do, so I thought the title would be appropriate.

Also, since my rest day was yesterday, I decided to really punish myself with a WOD from the main site that incorporates two of my least favorite exercises: Back squats and muscle ups.  To be honest, I love muscle ups, but only one or two at time :)

Here it is!

For time:

5 muscle ups
15 back squats
10 muscle ups
30 back squats
15 muscle ups
45 back squats
10 muscle ups
30 back squats
5 muscle ups
15 back squats

Back squats are 95lbs

Perfect example of awesome muscle ups (yeah, right!)

The last two sets of back squats just killed... It was bad.

So muscle ups and back squats are weak for me.  According to CrossFit methodology, we attack weaknesses.  I did that tonight and I feel good about it.  We'll see if my body feels good about it tomorrow morning at command PT, when Derek and I have programmed an atrocious barbell relay!

Oh, yes... for those keeping track, my goal was sub 20:00.  Not this time, Sullins.  23:50.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Equipment-less WODs

Alright, I have been prodded by some prospective CrossFitters to post some WODs that do not require any special gym equipment.  There are plenty of CrossFit workouts that are extremely challenging and also do not require barbells, weights, plyoboxes, Concept 2 rowers, etc.

For time - 150 pushups.
The CrossFit caveat: Every time you drop your knees to rest you must stand up and perform 15 squats before continuing the pushups.

This WOD was created by one of Kitsap CrossFit's members.

Form Standards:
Here is a great place to talk about standards with regard to form.

Pushups - Chest touches ground at the bottom, elbows lock at the top.  Feet can be spread apart if you prefer.

Squats - Arguably the most fundamental human movement.  Feet about shoulder width apart.  Keep your head parallel.  Heels stay in contact with ground, weight stays back on heels.  Resist temptation to transfer weight to the balls of your feet.  The movement is initiated by the butt - send it back and down.   Put your hands above your head, keeping them as far from the butt as possible; the ears move straight up and down.  Break parallel with the thigh and send your body back up.  At the top of this movement, you stand as tall as possible.

If it sounds like a lot of work, it is!  It also takes a lot of practice, but, as Coach Glassmen (founder and creator of CrossFit) says, "...when you are 90 years old, you will still be able to get up off the toilet by yourself."

So, give this WOD a try and let me know what you think.  My PR is 11:10, having done 105 squats.

Here is another one from the main site:
Lunge walk 400m

DISCLAIMER: I did this Thanksgiving Day 2009 and I couldn't walk correctly for 5 days.  Scale accordingly (buyer beware) - depending on your level of fitness, maybe scale to 330m, or even 200m.  My PR is 29:45 on the 400m.

Form Standards:
Knee comes in contact with the ground.  No "studdering" steps with the feet.  If this isn't challenging enough for you, then 1) Have I seen you in the Olympic Games recently? and 2) Add an appropriately weighted plate (or anything) overhead.

So, for those of you thinking about CrossFit, these workouts require nothing except your time and MAX EFFORT!  Go as fast as possible with the best form possible.  If you add a pullup bar and maybe a jump rope to your arsenal, I can recommend exponentially more WODs that will kick your butt without having to go to a gym (just make sure you can kip on the bar... those ones that go in a doorway won't work).

Enjoy, and please let me know how it goes!



3 rounds for time:

400 meter run
21 reps - 53lb (1.5 pood) kettlebell swing
12 pullups

The 1.5 pood kettlebell wasn't heavy... until round 2 :)

Round 3.  I am really working hard to maintain the standards.  It slowed me down, but I feel good about it.

My pullups are getting so much better.  I made up a lot of time from the KB swings on the pullups.

My goal was sub 10:00.  On WODs I have never done before I usually check the main site and develop an average based on men my age and weight and try to beat it.  Most of the time I actually get pretty close, surprisingly enough for me.  Of course, I have yet to see Jason Khalipa, Tommy Hackenbruck, or the fittest man alive (Mikko Salo) post their performance results to the site.  Not bad for me, though!  I find that writing down my goal for the WOD really makes a difference.  It sets a permanent goal and I do not want to disappoint myself.  If you don't do this already, give it a try.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Funeral and shoulder presses

It isn't a CrossFit-ism this time!  My job involves occasionally providing final honors for deceased military members.  It is a privilege.  The one I did today was up in Bellingham, so I spent the morning on schoolwork, taking care of my new dog (totally awesome), and drinking the best coffee in the world (Smoky Mountain Blend... their darkest roast).  Then I spent the next 8 hours either driving or playing taps.

I got home and did this main site WOD:

Shoulder Press


This is my third lift.  I know my head is not in a neutral position.  I am working on it!

This was my final attempt at 110lb.  No go, but my head position is better, no?

Loads: 95lb, 100lb, 105lb, 105lb, 110lb (failed), 105lb (failed), 100lb.

I wasn't about to let the last three sets be failed attempts!  There is really nothing insightful to say about this.  It isn't a personal record.  Three weeks ago I put up 115lb, but I was surrounded by people routing me on.  After a very long day (not to mention the day after a WOD that left my hamstrings just destroyed), it isn't so bad, and I definitely left it all in the gym... er... uh... garage.  :) 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Deadlifts, and pushups, and retirement ceremonies. Oh, my!

Today's WOD comes from the main site:

10 rounds for time:

135lb deadlifts - 15 reps
pushups - 15 reps

Easy, yes?  Maybe not.  Photo journal below is telling.

I am doing my best to knock out those pushups!

I started out at about a 45 second per round pace.

Chief and I going for broke.

Almost done, and almost dead!

Last round!

Last couple of reps.  Really pushing it out.

Like the Vibrams?

Derek conquering his rounds.


My time: 14:36, not too shabby!

So what is with the retirement ceremony thing in the title of this post?  Well, there is nothing like starting the day with a smokin' WOD, and end it with a two-hour long stretch of sitting still, doing nothing! 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

On the fourth day he rested...

... at least that is how it would have gone if the Christian God was hitting CrossFit WODS! So, today is my rest day.  Normally, I probably wouldn't post anything, but it is a special day.  This has nothing to do with CrossFit or nutrition (although it may improve my run times...). Emily and I brought home our dog today.


Em and I have a cat named Fuji (the mountain I conquered in Japan... see below), so it seemed logical to name our dog after a mountain I have climbed in Washington State.

Me on top of Mt. Fuji, Japan.

Emily and I have been looking for a dog for 6 months now, and it has been really rough.  The shelter here has 40-60% Pit Bulls, which we couldn't have even if we wanted one, due to our lease agreement on our home.  This little bundle of joy was there waiting for us when we checked last Saturday.  Enough talking.  Here are the goods:

The coup de grace!
Improved run times in my future.

Two immovable objects collide... ummm... or the cat just stares at the crated dog.

Tomorrow is going to be totally brutal, but I won't spoil it for you.  Just come back and see the pictures!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

1 rep max snatch (10 minute time limit)

Today's WOD is today's post subject.  This is a lift I have really been practicing during my skill sessions and I know it still needs a lot of work.  Soooooo, I am posting my first video of myself on my blog.

Sorry for the lighting and general lack of clarity.  It is my garage and I am no Spielberg.  110lbs is my PR!

Now, not to get too far off topic, but I want to share two more things with you today:

1. I love my Vibrams Five Fingers KSOs!

Totally awesome.  No more pain in the balls of my feet coming down from the pullup bar or rings!

2. I made this shake today (completely paleo!)

Yes, it is a goofy picture, but I am kind of a goofy guy.

Ingredients (just in time for St. Patrick's Day):

2 cups of fresh spinach
2 TBSP coconut milk
1/2 cup almond milk
1/4 cup raw walnuts
1 whole banana (the one I used was a bit less than ripe... oh well, still good!)

Place in blender (I prefer a Vita-Mix) and blend to desired consistency.  YUM!