Tuesday, March 2, 2010


A plyobox isn't necessarily a cornerstone of a CrossFit box, but it is certainly a hallmark!

I found a fantastic article in the CrossFit Journal that contained plans to make a 20" box.  Two small problems: 1. It requires tools... tools that I had never heard of; and 2. I suck at making things... and fixing things.  In fact, I have a terrible habit of making things worse. 

So, like a good resourceful CrossFitter, I enlisted the help of my friends!  Meet Eli Pugh, Navy Band Northwest's own master woodworker.  An accomplished craftsman with many high quality pieces of wood furniture to his name (and an impressive, Santa's elf-like, workshop in his garage), I merely had to suggest the project and he was all over it.

Eli masterfully using some sort of table saw to make angles on one side of the box.

Now, it took us all of an hour to get the first box done (see below) and sitting in his driveway.  However, I wanted to make two and thought we had purchased enough materials to make 20" and 24" high boxes.  A little math proved me wrong (foiled again). 

Then it struck us!  We didn't have enough wood to make a second box, but we had enough to make an extension box to raise the 20" box 4".  The best part was that it took Eli about 5 minutes to cut the pieces, and glue and screw them together.  

Here is the finished product sitting in my garage gym.  I kept it natural wood, just using polyurethane to seal it.  I like the homemade look and there is something rugged about it that spray-painting would screw up.

Awesome plyobox!  Anyone who wants to make their own, check out the CrossFit Journal article.  Anyone interested in purchasing one of these Eli Pugh specials, shoot me a comment Blogger!

1 comment:

  1. Your workout reminds me about the "boot camp" classes I used to take last year. I adore your motivation!
