Monday, March 29, 2010

The Chief

No, I wasn't promoted, two pay grades... yet.  :)  No, that is the name of today's WOD.  Created in September 2008, this workout pays tribute to Chief Petty Officers of the sea services, but hey let's be honest... mostly the Navy.

The Chief

5 cycles:

As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 3 minutes of:
3 135lb power cleans
6 pushups
9 squats

Rest 1 minute between sets

I have to admit, this was pretty wicked.  What got me more than anything else were the squats.  Pushups were totally easy (thank you, CrossFit... those used to really suck for me), and the power cleans became pretty challenging near the end.  I wouldn't want to do it without being able to drop the weight, that is for sure.

1. 5 rounds
2. 5 rounds
3. 5 rounds
4. 4 rounds
5. 4 rounds

I wasn't sure if I should count partial rounds, so I didn't, but I was on my sixth round of squats on the first cycle!  Not too shabby.  Of course, by the end, I finished my fourth round with only 10 seconds left.

If you have been following my blog, you know we have a Chief in our command PT group.  He is a warrior, and goes for the full CrossFit intensity every time.  If only they were all like that!


  1. Thank you, Crossfit, indeed! Even though I only was able to do 2 rounds each time (power-cleans scaled to 65lbs), everything feels like it is beginning to make sense and show benefits. Big thanks to you, Derek, and Joel for all your support, motivation, and training. You guys are inspiring, both in your personal efforts/accomplishments and in your attitudes towards yourself and others.

  2. Your hard work is already paying off, dude. I suspect it will all begin to snowball and soon you will be going 3 on-1 off, with ample recovery time.

    Keep working and we'll keep sharing what we know and commit ourselves to learning more!
