Sunday, March 21, 2010

Rings... how I loathe thee.

This day started out nice - a slow morning spent with my wife and new dog, Baker.  I sipped espresso, did a little school work, and hung out.  The middle of the day was... unpleasant for me, so ending it with a great WOD really turned the day around.  Oh, yeah, Emily made the best spaghetti squash with meatballs!  Nothing like coming home, working out in your own gym, and eating an awesome home-cooked meal with grass fed meat!

Ok, so today I decided to do Elizabeth.


For time:
21-15-9 reps of:

135lb cleans
ring dips

I did this workout back in November, scaled it down to 105lb cleans and used a static dip station.  My time was 17:01, a time I was pretty proud of.  So, this time I wanted to try the Rx'd WOD, especially since I have my own rubber plates to throw around and awesome rings setup in the garage.

Big thanks to freak trombonist Bob McChesney for the ragin' sound clip, used completely without his knowledge or permission.

Like the video states, I actually got a personal record on this one, despite the incredible difficulty on the rings.  I was very nervous about the weight of the cleans at first, but decided that even if it took me longer than my previous best time, I wanted to use the heavier weight and focus on form over speed.  The cleans were hard, but the hardest part of this WOD is the ring dips... hands down!  I am so glad that I used the heavier weight on those cleans, because the pride I feel over that accomplishment balances out my embarrassment over my performance on the rings.  Nevertheless, I gave it everything, left it all in the garage, and I am proud of tonight's workout.

Time: 12:29 (PR!)

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