Sunday, March 14, 2010

Equipment-less WODs

Alright, I have been prodded by some prospective CrossFitters to post some WODs that do not require any special gym equipment.  There are plenty of CrossFit workouts that are extremely challenging and also do not require barbells, weights, plyoboxes, Concept 2 rowers, etc.

For time - 150 pushups.
The CrossFit caveat: Every time you drop your knees to rest you must stand up and perform 15 squats before continuing the pushups.

This WOD was created by one of Kitsap CrossFit's members.

Form Standards:
Here is a great place to talk about standards with regard to form.

Pushups - Chest touches ground at the bottom, elbows lock at the top.  Feet can be spread apart if you prefer.

Squats - Arguably the most fundamental human movement.  Feet about shoulder width apart.  Keep your head parallel.  Heels stay in contact with ground, weight stays back on heels.  Resist temptation to transfer weight to the balls of your feet.  The movement is initiated by the butt - send it back and down.   Put your hands above your head, keeping them as far from the butt as possible; the ears move straight up and down.  Break parallel with the thigh and send your body back up.  At the top of this movement, you stand as tall as possible.

If it sounds like a lot of work, it is!  It also takes a lot of practice, but, as Coach Glassmen (founder and creator of CrossFit) says, "...when you are 90 years old, you will still be able to get up off the toilet by yourself."

So, give this WOD a try and let me know what you think.  My PR is 11:10, having done 105 squats.

Here is another one from the main site:
Lunge walk 400m

DISCLAIMER: I did this Thanksgiving Day 2009 and I couldn't walk correctly for 5 days.  Scale accordingly (buyer beware) - depending on your level of fitness, maybe scale to 330m, or even 200m.  My PR is 29:45 on the 400m.

Form Standards:
Knee comes in contact with the ground.  No "studdering" steps with the feet.  If this isn't challenging enough for you, then 1) Have I seen you in the Olympic Games recently? and 2) Add an appropriately weighted plate (or anything) overhead.

So, for those of you thinking about CrossFit, these workouts require nothing except your time and MAX EFFORT!  Go as fast as possible with the best form possible.  If you add a pullup bar and maybe a jump rope to your arsenal, I can recommend exponentially more WODs that will kick your butt without having to go to a gym (just make sure you can kip on the bar... those ones that go in a doorway won't work).

Enjoy, and please let me know how it goes!

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