Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Gathering

Normally we have a nice little command PT group about three times a week, convening early in the morning to take on some CrossFit WODs and learn and enhance our skills. It is easily the best command PT program I have been a part of in the Navy. Today, however, was truly a site to behold. Several of the other small group PT leaders at Navy Band Northwest were either absent or simply decided to join us for a fantastic gymnastics relay, almost completely stolen from Kitsap CrossFit's Bring a Friend Day.

We had 16 people, including Antoinette Murray, the awesome CrossFitting spouse of Cliff, divided into 4 teams of 4. The course was laid. The gauntlet was thrown.

NBNW Gymnastics Relay

For time:
Run 300m
"Riser Jumps" - 100
Run 300m
Burpees - 200
Run 300m
Situps - 300
Run 300m
Squats - 400

Numbers are for the group as a whole. The entire team must complete the run before any reps can start. Only 2 members of each team can perform reps at a time and the reps do not have to be distributed evenly. The best time wins!

We aren't exactly sure on the distance of the run. It was just a course we laid out around the band building on Navy Base Kitsap, but based on the times of several participants, 300 meters is pretty close.

The athletes at Navy Band Northwest met this challenge head on, and we were proud to facilitate the event (just see Derek's proud face below).

"This is my proud face"

Most groups started with the "riser jumps." These things were definitely "tested" today, with several people jumping on them at a time, exerting what must have been several hundred pounds of force with each jump. They are normally used on the bandstand for music performances. I have to say, I am pretty satisfied with the purchase of these risers from Wenger Music Corp., and this is a better use for their product!

This is Joe, our resident expert at vertical leaps. Most people drive to work. Joe just jumps twice.

We had the tunes blasting (I have identified at least one positive thing about being in the band - having access to awesome sound gear and guys who actually know how to hook it all up correctly at the drop of a hat), and, even though I didn't get too many videos (I was too busy taking it all in) they are video evidence that NBNW had an amazing WOD.

These risers are good for more than just standing around!

The band room hasn't seen such a great use in probably a very long time.

Such an awesome workout for the band. It was pretty obvious a lot of people were not used to the kind of intensity CrossFit brings to the table, but everyone ate it up. Joel later put it very well, "Maximum effort is contagious." Very well said.

My only complaint for the morning, besides being unable to participate myself (someone has to make sure things are going smoothly!) was that it was interrupted and only 1 team was able to finish, with an excellent time of 27:43. Everyone else would have been done within two minutes, as all teams were done with the runs and were on their last sets. We were suddenly informed of the presence of a surprise visitor to our facility later that morning that required everything be cleaned and ready to go AND everyone had to be in a specific costume many did not have on them. Ah, the Navy... Nevertheless, good job to all, congratulations to Chris (team captain), Greg, Billy, and Eli for pulling off a majestic win.


So, I know what you are thinking, "What about you, Josh?" Well, inspired by my co-workers, I went home and hit a CF WOD I had been considering for a few days after viewing a recent CF Journal video of Jason Khalipa and Chris Spealer. Here is my WOD! Yes, today you get a two-fer!

For time:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 reps of 115lb cleans
Between each set, perform 1 "Cindy" sequence.

For those unfamiliar, "Cindy" is a WOD that asks for AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats.

Round 6!

My goal on this was 15:00, which I knew was optimistic, but I definitely didn't hit that mark. The Rx'd weight was 155lbs, and I already scaled it down to 115lbs.

Time: 19:47

I am happy with it. It just gives me room to grow, and shows me that I really need to work on my overhead o-lifts, because that got NASTY by the 8th round! For all my co-workers wondering if my workout was as bad as theirs, I offer the following evidence:

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