Today's WOD:
With a continuously running clock, perform 1 handstand pushup (HSPU) and 1 pullup the first minute, 2 of each the second minute, 3 each the third minute, and so on, until the clock catches you in the middle of an incomplete set of reps.
At that point, continue with whichever of the two exercises you are still able to successfully complete in under a minute.
Record the number of successfully completed minutes of each exercise. This is your score.
The WOD sounds a little weird, but it is a simple workout, just do HSPU and pullups until the minute runs out and you are still in the middle of one of the exercises. Then keep going on the other exercise until the clock catches you on that one, too. Brutal!
So, here is a video of my awful HSPUs. I thought I had them hummin' along, but videotaping the exercise makes me realize I am absolutely not going down far enough, which is a real drag on so many levels. Video evidence:
I got everything I need, but I don't got a good HSPU...
1 minute rounds of:
Pullups: 13
Score: 19
Not so bad, but the HSPUs are finding their way into my skill sessions each day. Additionally, I am leaving out the parallettes and every day before I leave the house I am going to do some. We'll see where that gets me!
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