Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More double-unders

Get used to it, people! My right hand is mush, so I need movements that don't require a tremendous amount of grip strength or my right-hand ring and pinky fingers. So, today I pull this one out of the main site March 2010 Archives.

5 rounds for time:

40 double-unders
30 box jumps (24" box)
20 1.5 pood kettlebell swings

Again, no pictures. Sorry, I just don't have it in me, plus my hand is gross and camera shy.

Time: 26:32

As much progress as I made on the double-unders, the box jumps proved the most difficult part for me, and the kettlebell swings were challenging due to the fact that I was so concerned about my hand. The last thing I want is to pop a stitch, because anyone who knows me realizes I would sew it back up myself with a paper clip and twine before going back to the emergency room - I hate "public health spaces," which is what call doctors' offices, e-rooms, hospitals, clinics, labs, etc. To quote Steve Carrell, "The office is not where you go to die... that is what hospitals are for."

Anyway, I am super proud of my double-unders. Not only did I do more today in one sitting than I ever had before (previous record was 150), but I also did 8 in a row!!! That is, one right after another, just like those crazy folks at the CrossFit Games. Awesome. I am amazed at my own improvement in this regard. Not a bad time, although there were much more impressive ones posted in the comments on the main site! I love it - Lots of room to grow!

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