Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I look like Hellboy...

I realize as I sit here and type, looking down at my hands, that one hand is easily twice as big as the other. That, and I look like Franken-Hand.

Again, no pictures today. Those might not come back for a while. My life is just a little haywire at the moment, so I am lucky just to get out there and train.

I can't play trumpet, I can't focus very well, and I am in some pretty serious pain, but I tell you all right now - This will not deter me from CrossFitting.

Back Squats



3 rounds for time:
50 double unders
50 back extensions

The back squat workout comes from KCF.

PRs all around!

Back squat loads (pounds): 165, 175, 180, 185 (PR), 190 (new PR!)

Time on double unders/back extentions: 18:30 (PR by over 10 minutes!)

I am especially proud of my progress on double unders. I actually did 15 without stopping the rope. This really improved my time, compared to only a week ago when I did this workout at over 28 minutes!

My hand really hurts, despite being on tons of meds. I have to go back to work tomorrow, and we will just have to wait and see what that is like. Ah, life... always keeping things interesting. I would like to say how awesome my wife, Emily, is for stepping up around the house, especially with respect to doing dishes, which is usually something I do, since she makes most of our awesome meals. I love you, baby!

Tonight's meal: Grass Fed Beef Filet Mignon with baked broccoli florets. mmmmmmmmmm

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